That's one of my son-in-law's favourite expressions. For this posting I want to keep it in mind. Because for me, railing against the "wrongs" of society, indstead of learning to "go with he flow," can sometimes be counter-productive. (But I will not abandon my role as a social critic, which is to see life and want to make it better.)
So today, as the voters of Massachusetts go to the polls, I should be worrying that after nearly fifty years, a Republican could succeed Ted Kennedy. I should write about the disaffection of so many Americans who seem to be angry - angry about Health Care, angry about the deficit, angry about security - and that anger may lead them to vote in protest against the Obama steamroller.
But I won't. I'll take my son-in-law's advice - just this once.
As I weas leaving the Health Club this morning, sweaty and a little self-satified (a little more than usual that is) I noticed a young woman on the treadmill. She was trotting along and she had her cell phone in her hand, I suppose reading some text messages. My first instinct would be to rail at the pre-occupation, as I usually do -but I resist.
Time for a closer look through the eyes that proclaim "Looking Ahead" but spend so much time deploring the current state of affairs.
It's worth musing about. It's worth it for me to assess exactly how I feel in my revolt against fads that masquerade as progress. Whoops - there I go again. Perhaps part of the truth is that I am jealous. I am jealous of her youth, jealous of her understanding of today's technlogy and jealous that she can use the new high tech that I am totally ignorant about.
Perhaps there is more to the generation who walk the sidewalk text-messaging than indifference to civil behaviour. Perhaps they really are engaged. Not engaged the way I am, but that is no crime, nor should it be.
I have two choices: to bring myself up-to-date technologically or to simply accept with good humour that times are changing even if I'm not.
So all hail the woman with the cell phone on the treadmill. All hail the kids who know more about computers than I ever will - who have Iphones and Ipods and I-whatever. My only worry is the incessanty use of the letter "I."
Get 0over it. What is - is.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
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