Friday, January 22, 2010


I really should be ashamed of myself for the errata on my "What is - Is' posting. For those of you who are prepared to overlook sloppiness, I thank you. For whoever it was who sent me a page of gobbledegook - thank you for alerting me to the problem.

So, should I start to learn? Should I abandon all hope? Should I continue to rail foolishly about the techno-philes and their hot-wired brains? Should I continue with my quasi-Luddite approach to new stuff? Patience - this all has a purpose.

I am not such a techno-phobe after all. My wife and I read a lot, so when we travel the biggest single weight when we check in, is books. There's a way to get around the weight and the inconvenience, and to have a complete bookstore at your fingertips? You got it - an EBook reader.

At the time Amazon was not selling anywhere but the U.S. Even after they went worldwide Canada was excluded. Something to do with copyright and some other hi-tech problem. Eventually Amazon brought "Kindle" into Canada. But it was too late for me. I had already bought two readers from BeeBook. We load each up with different books so we can trade readers from time to tine.

It looked perfect until "stuff" started happening. First it was downloading. There are many systems that let you download, and every E Book reader is not compatible with every system. Mine happens to use Mobipocket. Without realizing it I downloaded a couple of books from a site that uses Adobe. So I have some books on my computer thn I can't download into my reader. Beginner's bad luck.

Having downloaded several books sucessfully, the next problem came up: the books could not be read because after a number of pages they would return to the menu page and leave me unable to continue. Advice on the problem is scanty and often non-existent. I even had a tech "helper" on the BeeBook site complain to me with: "stop using capital letters in your email responses. It is irritating."
I fired back a sarcastic reply. This is no way to handle the service you advertise.

I have lost contact with the company since I sent them a final angry email asking how I could return the readers for full refund.

Another bump in the road: having downloaded (I thought)two more titles, I was informed that I couldn't read them because I had the wrong PID. (It took a while before my brain realized they referred to Personal Identification number. So I tried to return to the site to enter my account.They rejected the address. No such address is listed. But they sold me the books using that address. I paid for them. What the hell!!

There have now been half a dozen emails requesting help. No response. Not one!

And people accuse ME of being crabby.