Thursday, June 16, 2011


I was fascinated by the book. It became a best-seller – all because the author did a clever examination of why some things become enormously popular. They all have that:” tipping point,” described as an event or a group of people, which rockets something either unknown or forgotten on to public consciousness. My favourite example from the book was “Hush Puppies” an almost forgotten soft shoe. He examines why it suddenly took off, and who it might have been who made this literally “old” shoe all the rage.

The idea should also be brought in to explain social fads. The practice of young “macho” (or wannabes) a [appearing with a several day's growth of beard has become ultra chic. In fact, Hugh Jackman appeared on the Tony Awards show with an uber-chic stubble.

The unshaven look used to be considered unkempt. I am sure it has played havoc with the razor business. Where did it all start? The first time I ever saw it was on the original “Miami Vice” where Don Johnson added to his manliness by appearing with several days of stubble. The idea took root. Young men who want to look “with it” use a razor that shaves but leaves enough stubble to be he-manly. I can’t
understand why women seem to like it. The stubble must play havoc with their complexions, not to mention unwanted abrasiveness in more private; places.

I jump from the unshaven look to tattooing. The principal difference being that you can always shave your face back to smoothness. Removing a tattoo is painful and expensive, and doesn’t always do a perfect job.

The time will come when the tattoo will be passé. The time will come when the unshaven look will be just as passé. It will take someone like a celebrity, or some “in-group” to lead the way.

I have long since resigned myself to the idea of self-decoration. But a few days ago, confronted with a very manly man who seemed covered from fingertip to armpit, I saw what it really was: the arm looked like a lizard. There are many who say that females are the ones who put the tattoo where it can only be seen during intimate moments.

But today, I watched a very well turned out blonde get our of a very new car. As she got out her sweater lifted enough to display skin between her top and he slacks. There was a very large, round tattoo announcing itself. It was a momentary glance, because she adjusted her clothing and headed for Pusateris. (Which is also chic)

The question: will there be a tipping point to end the fad? Was there a tipping; point that gave it worldwide revival? Was there someone, some fashion maven, some star, some rock singer – who was the first to show the new mark of “in?”

All I can say is: we’ll see.