Sunday, August 28, 2011


After one day of reltively heavy weather with wind and rain we awoke this morning to the Atlantic looking like a millpond. The day then begam as it has for the past three - a musical morning with Hugh. I look forward to his congeniality, his encyclopedic memory for music and his tendency to logharaeia. (Heaven knows how to spell that one. I'm already in pain from a response reminding me about improperly proof read blogs.)

Last night I endured (my friends will understand) a 3D performance of Carmen. I apologize I guess, for being unfriendly to most opera which , like last night's Carmen is actually a few wonderful arias interspersed with endless melodrama. Besides, the mezzo who sang Carmen tried far too hard to be sensuously sexy and slithery. She carressed and made faces, she slid her skirt tantlizingly up a rather too-large leg. At intermission I pleaded sleepiness and Shirley followed my, grudgingly, back to our cabin.

By now it is mid-afterboob and we have just come through our first, and heavily anticipated chamber music conert. Alas, it was more of a parade of chamber favourites than a concert. Appalingly, perhaps because the acoustics in the theatre are not made for music, the instruments were elctrically "enhanced." It made the music sound like it was telephoned in from the next room. The Adagio String Quartet played, without interruption nine selections starting with Corelli and ending with the Pizzicato Polka with stops in between for the Pachelbell Canon, Handel's Arrival of The Queen of Sheba. The four ladies stayed in their seats and the audience, tiny, appluaded a little between each selection.

Tonight we look forward to another performance by Joel Bennett, the star of Les Miz. What he does is pure Las Vegas. But it is, however heavily embellished, well done.

And a bit of redemption. Lunch today included roast prime rib. It was perfect! Cunard hs been vindicated. Did they really need my stamp of approval?