Monday, March 24, 2008

new hip

I go into St. Mike's tomorrow to have a new hip made. I will be out of touch for a while. I hope you all miss me. By the way, there have been very few comments on my postings. Is it because you can't find them or just that you have nothing to say. Log in to
By the way, if anyone is getting unwanted Emails connected to the Google group let me know and I'll cut them off.
I think of all that could happen while I'm hors de combat. My wife could run off with someone else.
Barak Obama could finally nail Hillary by getting down to her level.
Someone will bring it to the attention of that hawk John McCain that American lives are being lost in increasing numbers, not to mention the Iraqis who, just for being there, are getting killed.
Apologies again for the misprints. If I knew how to delete or edit - I would.
The next item you see will be my proposed article on Home Exchange. It's the only way to travel.
WhileI am lying on my bed of paid I will give more thought to beiong productive and involved when retired. A lot of it is in my book Blind Sided By Retirement. It is supposed to be available at Chapters. If not, Amazon is listing it.
Meanwhile - ciao for now.


  1. Look at it this way, Larry. If your wife runs off with someone while you are in the hospital, with a new hip, you'll be able to chase after them ! Mo

  2. Hey Larry,

    Good luck tomorrow my friend.

    Even back at CHUM in the 60's, I always thought you were 'too hip' anyway.

    Doug Thompson

  3. Hi Larry

    I found your blog by chance and thought your name sounded familiar. Then I checked your bio and the penny dropped. I used to listen to you on CHUM many, many years ago when I was a teenager growing up in rural Ont. I've lived in London, England for nearly 40 years now but still feel very much a Canadian and will enjoy taking the time to read through all your posts.

    I was pleased to read that you feel that home exchange is the only way to travel - as I have run a home exchange agency since 1985! I hope you will check out my site, Home Base Holidays and home exchange blog, and I look forward to reading your post on the subject.


    Lois Sealey
